Most Dangerous Intersections in Galveston, TX

When considering the kinds of Texas car accidents that occur the most often, people usually think of highway accidents that happen due to Texans going far over the speed limit or taking alcohol/drugs and driving. However, many car accidents occur at intersections

To understand how to drive safely at intersections and avoid accidents, it can be useful to analyze some dangerous intersections in the Galveston, TX, area. Knowing the characteristics that define them as accident-prone can help one avoid dangerous collisions in the future.

At Which Intersections in Galveston, TX, Are Car Accidents Occurring?

From 2016 to 2020 in Galveston, there were roughly 8,890 car accidents that took the lives of 50 individuals and injured 191 people. According to government data, these crashes primarily happened at the following locations:

  • 69th Street and Jones Drive
  • Market and 29th Street
  • Avenue Q and 29th Street
  • Avenue O and 51st Street
  • Avenue O and 39th Street

The city’s major one-way streets, such as Avenues P and O, are also accident-prone. While city authorities are taking measures to create roadway infrastructure that facilitates safer driving, it is also critical for drivers to improve their behaviors while maneuvering their vehicles. Staying updated on current regulations and driving laws can also help people avoid issues with them as they travel through the city.

Why Do So Many Accidents Occur in These Galveston, TX, Intersections?

In Galveston, TX, there are some infamous intersections where car accidents frequently occur. This is because of the sheer amount of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists converging at one point. If individuals are not paying full attention, or if they are not informed about the rules of the road, then it can be easy to make a mistake at an intersection that causes an accident.

It’s important to note that the intersections that have the largest amounts of traffic tend to have higher rates of accidents. This is because the presence of more pedestrians and vehicles within a certain area leads to a higher likelihood of collisions.

Intersection accidents can also occur when drivers do not obey traffic laws. This can include not fully stopping at stop signs, driving through red lights, or not yielding the right of way. Sometimes, drivers will disregard traffic laws on purpose but, more commonly, they are simply too distracted to notice. Distractions that can lead to accidents include:

  • Eating
  • Applying makeup
  • Replying to text messages
  • Adjusting the car’s settings

Speeding increases the likelihood of having a deadly accident in general, and this is especially true at intersections. When drivers are going too fast, they may misjudge distances or timing and not have enough time to stop before a collision occurs. Having obstructed visibility or inhibited decision-making skills due to poor weather conditions, poor lighting, or driving under the influence at an intersection can also lead to crashes.

How Can I Avoid Crashes at Intersections?

To avoid getting in a car accident at intersections in Galveston, TX, it’s important to practice defensive driving techniques. Make sure that your driving is free of distractions. Be sure to finish eating, answering messages, fastening your seatbelt, and taking care of all your tasks before starting your car.

By driving free of distractions, you can drive with alertness. When you are approaching an intersection, be sure to slow down significantly and leave enough distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. Follow the traffic signs adequately and, if applicable, wait until you have the right of way to proceed.

It’s important to note that, even when proper precautions are taken, accidents can still be unavoidable. If you have been in a Galveston car accident, a car accident lawyer from Stevenson & Murray can help you through the litigation processes and optimize your case outcomes.


Q: Who Is at Fault in a Texas Car Accident?

A: In Texas car accidents, the individual at fault is determined by factors associated with the accident as well as the context of the incident. Fault for an accident is proved proportionally, and a driver who is found to be less than 51% responsible for an accident can legally seek compensation for their damages. A car accident attorney can help you determine who is at fault for your car accident.

Q: How Dangerous Is Interstate 45 in Texas?

A: In Texas, I-45 is infamous for being extremely dangerous, as it has historically been an interstate highway where many deadly crashes occur. Not only is it known as one of the most dangerous highways in Texas, it is infamous for being one of the most dangerous in the United States. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident on I-45, it’s important to get adequate representation from a car accident lawyer.

Q: What Are My Rights as a Passenger in a TX Car Accident?

A: If you were a passenger in a Texas car accident, you are not at fault for the accident and have rights as a victim. If you suffered injuries as a passenger, then you are protected under the law to seek compensation for any emotional, financial, or physical damages that you may have sustained.

Q: How Much Can I Get in a Texas Car Accident Settlement?

A: The amount of money that you can win in a Texas car accident settlement depends on the factors of the car accident, such as:

  • The percentage that the other party was at fault
  • The amount of damages sustained
  • Whether anyone was killed or critically injured

The average car accident settlement amount in Texas is comparatively higher than the United States average, being roughly $23,700.

Get Legal Representation You Can Trust to Represent Your Car Accident Needs

Experiencing a car accident can be both physically and mentally challenging. Not only can the whiplash of the accident affect your body, but it can also impact your mental health, your finances, and even your reputation. Whether you have been a victim of a car accident or are being accused of fault in a car accident, the dedicated Galveston car accident lawyers at Stevenson & Murray can represent your case. Contact us today to discuss your case and work on a plan to ease your car accident burdens.

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