For Lawyers

Firm Overview
For Lawyers

Information for Other Injury and Maritime Lawyers

It is an honor and a privilege to work side by side with some of the best in our industry. Stevenson & Murray welcomes the opportunity to work with other law firms. We have a long and proud tradition of partnering with co-counsel to strengthen a client’s case. Decades of experience in our practice specialties and an exceptional record of achievement both in and out of the courtroom position us well to support the case needs of associating firms.

Our reputation as a leading personal injury firm and our uncommon litigation skill provide key advantages to our partners and their clients. Whether you are looking to add depth or breadth of experience to a case, expand jurisdiction or geographical coverage, provide additional resources to investigate or try a case or leverage our relationships with top experts in numerous industries where we excel, we help co-counsel secure top verdicts and settlements.

Stevenson & Murray is a leading choice for clients and Houston lawyers alike. Our referral business is a source of great pride for our entire team, and we constantly strive to earn and maintain the highest level of respect from our colleagues.


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