Corpus Christi Slip and Fall Lawyer

Corpus Christi Slip and Fall Lawyer

Corpus Christi Slip and Fall Attorney

Best Corpus Christi Slip And Fall Lawyer

Slip and fall injuries occur when someone falls on property that someone is responsible for maintaining. These accidents can happen in almost any location, and it is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure the safety of those who are walking around. If you or a family member were injured in a fall that you believe is the result of someone else’s negligence, a qualified Corpus Christi slip and fall lawyer from Stevenson & Murray can help you take legal action.

Stevenson & Murray has a deep understanding of Texas laws relating to personal injuries like slip and fall accidents. We have been providing aggressive legal representation to Texas residents for more than two decades. Our skilled Corpus Christi personal injury attorneys use that experience to not only hold negligent parties accountable for the damage they’ve caused but also to secure the compensation our clients need to heal.

What Is a Slip and Fall Law Injury in Texas?

Slip and fall accidents are common in Texas and can occur at a private residence, a business, or public property. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over eight million falls result in emergency room visits, and one million of those are caused by slips.

Some of the most common injuries caused by slip and fall accidents include:

  • Fractures
  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Spine injuries
  • Joint injuries, such as injuries to the knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, and wrists
  • Sprains and other muscle pain
  • Cuts and bruises

It is important to note that certain conditions can make it more likely for a slip and fall to occur. Common hazardous situations include:

  • Spills, wax, or polish leaving floors wet
  • Tears in carpet or flooring
  • Improper safety rails or other equipment
  • Clutter or other obstructions in walkways
  • Weather conditions like rain, snow, sleet, or ice
  • Improper lighting
  • Potholes, damaged sidewalks, or other uneven ground
  • Poor design, such as steep or narrow stairs

Proving Negligence in a Texas Slip and Fall Claim

When your injury results from environmental hazards, you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim. In most cases, the defendant will be the property owner or manager who was responsible for keeping the property reasonably safe. However, in some cases, other parties, like contractors, maintenance companies, or inspectors, may be involved as well.

To file a successful slip and fall claim in Corpus Christi, Texas, the injured person has to show that the property owner neglected to show reasonable care. Reasonable care involves the upkeep of a property to ensure it is safe for those who use it. Using reasonable care includes inspecting the property for hazards and making repairs, posting signs alerting of potential dangers, and following proper safety guidelines, like keeping loose items out of walkways.

However, it is also important to know that Texas uses a proportionate responsibility system, which means that if a person’s behavior contributed to their own injury, there may be some limits on how much compensation they can recover. For example, if they were scrolling on their phone while they were walking, they may be assigned some fault for their accident, and that may reduce the amount of their final settlement.

A Skilled Slip and Fall Lawyer Can Help

A knowledgeable slip and fall lawyer from Steveson & Murray can evaluate your case and determine if you have grounds for a legal slip and fall claim. If you do, we can work to develop a solid legal claim that adequately represents your needs and the harm you’ve suffered. Our team shares decades of personal injury experience in Texas and can fight for the compensation you are rightfully owed.


What Is the Usual Payout for a Slip and Fall Claim in Texas?

Because every slip and fall case comes with its own unique set of factors, there is no “usual” payout you can expect. Instead, you and your lawyer need to assess the details specific to your case to determine an estimate of the compensation you’re owed. Details that can impact your payout include the severity of your injury, the circumstances that led to the injury, who is at fault for the accident, and more.

How Much Do Slip and Fall Lawyers Charge in Texas?

Most personal injury lawyers in Texas charge on a contingency basis, which means they take a percentage of the total settlement. This often helps clients dealing with high medical bills and lost income because they don’t have to pay fees upfront. If your lawyer works on a contingency basis, the percentage they take from your settlement will depend on factors like how long they worked on the case, their experience, how complex the case was, and more.

How Successful Are Slip and Fall Claims in Texas?

The success of a slip and fall claim relies on various factors, such as the facts of the case, the severity of your injury, and the strength of your legal team. To secure a successful outcome, you must prove that you were injured in a location owned or managed by the defendant, that the conditions of that location caused your fall and injury, and that the defendant was responsible for the situation that led to your fall.

How Much Is Pain and Suffering Worth in a Texas Slip and Fall Claim?

For most slip and fall cases, Texas does not have a cap on non-economic damages, which includes pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is often calculated by considering the impact an injury has on the victim’s daily life, how long they’ve been in pain, if there are long-term injuries or disabilities, and if the injury impacts the victim’s quality of life overall.

Your Corpus Christi Slip and Fall Lawyer

A serious injury can often change your life and lead to physical, emotional, and financial burdens. If you or a loved one were injured in a slip and fall accident that was caused by someone’s negligence in Corpus Christi, contact Stevenson & Murray as soon as possible to discuss your legal options. We’re ready to advocate for your rights today.

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